Digital users must be stewards of their online identity. Here are some tips on how you can maintain a positive digital footprint
Refrain from commenting on posts, images or videos that will hurt others
Review photos you have been tagged in. You can remove tags or ask the owner to take the photo down.
Do not upload or post when you are angry, frustrated or upset. Pause before posting
Know the digital reputation of who you are communicating with online
Assess your digital reputation by conducting a google search with your name
Avoid inappropriate language and ill-advised comments
Recognise when you may have hurt another user and apologise
Take swift action if untrue or negative information is posted about you. You can approach the host to ask for help or access professional services to help clean your digital reputation for you
Delete abandoned social media accounts
Separate your personal and professional online profiles by using different email addresses and names (take care, cross-referencing will help viewers associate your two reputations).
Be careful when using hashtags (#). Depending on your privacy settings, hashtags are searchable on the internet.
Build a better image of yourself
Join a professional network like LinkedIn and put together a robust profile
Comment on blogs and participate in online forums where you have expertise
Start a blog or register a site in your own name. Write regularly on a subject about which you are knowledgeable. Invite visitors to make comments
From an ethical standpoint, anonymity does not grant us a license to misbehave and disregard key ethical principles.